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Daily Affirmations
Saying daily affirmations can increased self-confidence, improved focus, reduced stress and
anxiety, and greater your overall well-being
I am good enough and worthy of love, respect and happiness.
I love myself, i feel comfortable and accept every part of myself.
I am good enough, no if's no buts...
i am deserving of love, respect and happiness full stop
I am confident. I can face everything and anything that comes my way.
I welcome my differences and celebrate my unique qualities.
I embrace every part of me and fill it with love and acceptance.
I have healed and accept that past traumas have made me stronger and wiser.
i will let go of anything that does not benefit my spirit in
order to make way for beautiful new opportunities.
i am human, i feel emotions. However, my strength is greater, and I refuse to
hold on to pain.
I wake up every day happy, healthy, wealthy and loved.
I accept myself... What is perfection...perfection is an individualised
opinion...so to me, i am perfect.
I am strong enough, i am clever enough, i am enough.
I love myself and those around me.
The only person
that i will allow to validate me ....is me.
I deserve to have only those that love and value me in my life.
I am worthy of love, affection and respect.
● I am ready to love and be loved.
I will find the right person for me, one that meets my needs.
● I only attract healthy, loving long term relationships.
When i give someone my love, i know that i will receive theirs.
Love flows into my life effortlessly.
I will find love. The perfect person for me is out there looking for me too.
I love myself enough to only settle for someone that will uplift my soul.
I am ready to trust and give my heart. i have healed, and this time will be
worth it.
Communication is vital, and I will be open and mindful with my partner as they will be with
I choose for my business to be productive and successful.
and wealth will flow effortlessly into my life, and the work i put in will fill me with pride.
No one can stand in my way of making money.
only fail when i give up...and believe me, that isn't happening.
I will make this work. My efforts will pay off.
I will wake up each day with a positive mindset as i know today's work will
achieve tomorrows dream.
patience and you'll see how brilliant i
I don't chase my dreams, i attract my dreams. The work i put in baits it ever so closer.
I will soon need a new dream because this one will soon come true.
Every step is progression