Smudging is the practice of burning specific herbs and resins to clear away
unwanted energies. Since ancient times, our ancestors have used this practice
of burning herbs and resins to raise vibration, dispel negativity, assist with
spiritual work and other practical reasons.

smudging practices
Smudging is a practice that has been used by various indigenous cultures for centuries as a way of cleansing, purifying, and healing both the physical and spiritual self. It involves the burning of certain herbs, typically sage, cedar, sweetgrass, and/or tobacco, in order to create smoke
that is believed to carry negative energy and spirits away.
The practice of smudging has been used by many indigenous cultures around the world, including Native American, First Nations, Aboriginal, and Maori peoples. The use of smudging has been documented in
various forms throughout history, with some evidence suggesting that it may date back to prehistoric times.
In North America, the use of smudging has been an integral
part of traditional Native American spiritual practices for thousands of years.
For many tribes, smudging is considered a sacred act and is often used before or during important ceremonies, such as sweat lodge ceremonies, vision quests, and healing ceremonies.
The herbs used in smudging also have their own specific
meanings and properties. Sage, for example, is believed to have a purifying effect and is often used to cleanse negative energy from a space or person.
Cedar, on the other hand, is believed to have a protective effect and is often used to help ward off negative energy and spirits. Sweetgrass is believed to have a calming effect and is often used to promote healing and balance.
In recent years, the practice of smudging has become
increasingly popular outside of indigenous communities, with many people turning to smudging as a way of purifying their homes and promoting overall well-being. While there is some debate around the appropriation of indigenous cultural practices, many advocates argue that smudging can be used respectfully and in a way that honors the traditions and beliefs of the cultures from which
it originated.

Herbs used for smudging
Allspice/ pimento – Mainly used for increasing energy and promote uplifting energy.
Amaranth – Used for healing, healing broken hearts, protection and vulnerability
Aspen – used for spiritual development, ascension, protection, overcoming fears and ritual.
Basil –used for attracting love, increasing passion, twin flames, happiness, peace, and money
Bay Leaves – used for psychic power, wishes, manifestation divination, success, and money.
Blue Spruce – for progress, pure intentions, generosity, and giving.
Calendula – used to enhances love, healing and relationships.
Catnip – used to Calls for good spirits and great luck for
comfort, love, youthful beauty and happiness.
Cedar –used for banishing fear and enhances spiritual and psychic powers.
Chamomile – used for rest, protection, peace and calmness
Cinnamon –used for raising spiritual vibrations, healing and luck.
Cloves – used for protection, luck and attracting the opposite sex.
Dandelion – used for divination, calling your guides, and wishes.
Dill – used for protection, luck, money, and lust.
Eucalyptus – used for healing and protection.
Frankincense resin – used for offering, reducing stress, eases tension and anxiety, and connecting you with Source energy.
Ginger – used for healing, speed, and increase passion.
Juniper- used for clearing negativity, protecting and healing
Lavender – used for guided dreams, relaxation, restful
sleep, peace, purity and lasting love.
Lemongrass – used for cleansing and purification, removing
obstacles, and opening doors.
Lilac – used for protection and exorcism, spells.
Mugwort- – used for divination, clarity and psychic development.
Myrrh resin – used for physical healing and grounding.
Palo Santo – used for deep healing and cleansing.
Peppermint – used for purity, respiratory healing, protection, release, and renewal.
Rosemary – used for removing negative energies, protecting the home and clearing.
Sage Flowers – used for cleansing and banishing negative energies; brings wisdom and purity.
Sweetgrass- used to bring positive energy and enhance mood
Thyme – Used for releasing energy after ceremonies, therapy, Accepting and releasing past pains.
White Sage – used to clear and banish negative energies from objects, environments or people.

Please note (with all practices involving
fire, please take great care and caution to ensure your safety. please always
have a means close at hand to put any fire out in case needed)
1. Burn one end of your smudge stick, allowing it to catch fire and burn for 20 seconds. Once the flame dies down, carefully and gently blow on the lit end a little to let the embers glow. The smudge stick will begin to smoke.
2. Put the smudge stick on a heat-proof dish to catch the ashes as it burns. You can also carefully walk around with the
smudge if you intend to cleanse different areas.
3. Fan or blow the smoke created over and around yourself and your environment.
4. Ensure that there is good ventilation. or that windows are open while using this practice. it will also aid in carrying unwanted energy away.
5. As the smoke rises into the air and is carried away, picture or say your intention, whatever it may be. Suppose you are clearing negative energy, state that you are sending all negativity away.
Some people use mantras, chants or prayer whilst doing this. You could also picture dark clouds and see them lifting away.
6. If Using smudging for Healing? Then imagine the smoke cleansing any illness or injury. Whatever it is, envision it floating away on the smoke
You can place fresh-picked herbs
1. on the radiator for 1-2weeks
2. oven 30mins to 2 hours (herb depending) on the lowest heat, turning every 20 mins
3. In a fruit and herb dryer
4.hung in small bundles in a dry, well-ventilated area
Please ensure that all rooms are well-ventilated when smudging and be mindful to not smudge around small children, infants and
those with respiratory conditions.
Please ensure that this practice is carried out safely and that any lit smudge sticks are not left unattended.